check the shapes and silhouette and make sure it matches the concept. create the chunks by manipulating spheres dynamesh. review reference and break up the hair into corresponding chunks. when creating stylized hair in zbrush, i usually follow a pretty specific workflow: 1. as an added bonus, you'll see a quick demo of the extract feature.

Digital sculpting & modeling head sculpting with steve james hair hair part 5 product: zbrushcore hair part 5 lesson 5 of 6 in head sculpting with steve james here you'll see how steve uses his techniques to sculpt hair for the model. for example, i used the characters hair in my recent personal work ‘guardians' as a device to imitate the.

hair has an action line like any other part of the body, when planning a posed sculpt use it to enhance your work. hair can greatly enhance the look of a character, or scene, in the way it moves and flows. Zbrush Alpha Skin Zbrush Alpha Zbrush Hair Zbrush Tutorial Zbrush